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Die Suche lieferte 21 Ergebnisse:
Re: Diskussionen und Philosophie
von Darkknight am 28.09.2021 21:14I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: • Hol Dir Hilfe •
von Darkknight am 09.09.2021 12:17Wie ich das verstanden habe geht es darum ob jeder der Gruppe beitreten kann oder nur mittels einer Einladung. Darunter kannst du ja auch einstellen wer im letzteren Falle alles eine Einladung an andere Nutzer schicken kann.
I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: Rollenspiel-Memes
von Darkknight am 27.08.2021 21:18Der Hellsquad ist halt schon zum RSH Kult geworden. RSH eigenes fanlore und so.
I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: • Verbesserungsvorschläge •
von Darkknight am 31.05.2021 22:21I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: • Verbesserungsvorschläge •
von Darkknight am 31.05.2021 22:07I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: • Verbesserungsvorschläge •
von Darkknight am 31.05.2021 19:52I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: • Glossar •
von Darkknight am 02.03.2021 23:14I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: Alte goSupermodel User!
von Darkknight am 13.10.2020 14:02I remember you! Zumindest ringt der Name Rs'erin was bei mir.
I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: Rollenspiele speichern?
von Darkknight am 09.08.2020 13:06Okay das klingt weird. Beim rauskopieren sind bei mir noch keine Kästen aufgetaucht, nur die Schriftart ist teilweise nicht konsistent. Aber so optimal klingt das wirklich nicht. Also ich speichere die einfach so runter in word. Früher zu gsm zeiten habe ich einfach mit snipping tool einen Screenshot von dem Beitrag auf der Seite gemacht, dann hatte ich halt eine ganze Reihe an Bildern aber ich musste mich nicht nochmal darum kümmern alles umzuformatieren. Mittlerweile speichere ich die entweder in word oder auch einfach auf einem google drive Dokument.
I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Re: Rollenspiele speichern?
von Darkknight am 07.08.2020 22:10Was stört dich denn so an dem Layout wenn du es in word setzt, wenn ich fragen darf? :)
I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. You have as many hopes as there are stars that light up the sky. The wind that brushes your skin is a presentiment of tomorrow. Come, lets walk in time with the song of the fairies... - Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)