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29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: #ToughChoices - Ich suche Teilnehmer für meine Studie :)

von WaywardWinchester am 03.06.2021 19:24

Ich könnte dich mit einem weiblichen und zwei männlichen Teilnehmern versorgen



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: REAL-PICS • die Person hinter dem Pseudonym

von WaywardWinchester am 16.12.2020 16:00

@Hazel-Grace: Sehe ich da ein Anti-Possession-Symbol? *-*



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: REAL-PICS • die Person hinter dem Pseudonym

von WaywardWinchester am 12.11.2020 18:56

Unzensiert, ungeschminkt und in Farbe für euch xD



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: aloha my friends.

von WaywardWinchester am 03.06.2020 21:52

Hallo Liebes <3
An Alle: Sehr empfehlenswerte Schreibpartnerin :3



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von WaywardWinchester am 29.01.2020 03:13

Six Days - Mos Def ft. DJ Shadow



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: Der erste Gedanke zum User über dir

von WaywardWinchester am 28.01.2020 20:29

Ich bin saufroh dich gefunden zu haben *-*



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: Playlist - Zufallslied!

von WaywardWinchester am 28.01.2020 03:53

Carry on my wayward son - Kansas



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: Ask, Answer, Ask

von WaywardWinchester am 28.01.2020 00:06

Eindeutig Sommer, ich kann die Kälte nicht ausstehen :)
Strandurlaub oder Urlaub in den Bergen?



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: Was hast du zuletzt kopiert?

von WaywardWinchester am 27.01.2020 22:37

Einen Post von mir, als Schreibprobe xD
He felt miserable, just like the day before and the day before that. The nights were cold, the days seemed to be endlessly long and when they ended he found himself searching for a place to sleep. Preferably dry and halfway sheltering him from wind and rain, but he had already stopped hoping to find something like that each evening weeks ago. Not even the alcohol helped him to feel better, but he still tried to drown his sorrow and agony in it day after day after day. Every day it was a little more he drank, although it was harder to get his hands on more of it each day. Still, there was still too much will to live in him to end it. Days ago he had lost his feeling for the amount of alcohol he was drinking, causing Aramis to drink way too much in to little of time. The wish to finally forget everything that had happened, to forget the things he went through were too overwhelming for him to keep his fight going on. This evening, he lost control over himself and over his will to live. Later on he couldn't even name the reason that gave him the little kick, made him decide to try and just drink himself to death.
He had already dranken way to much when he collapsed in a sidestreet, too weak to fight his own body he just went straight down, fell hard and landed even harder. Only seconds after he hit the ground, the young man lost his consciousness and didn't gain it back until a few hours later propably. It had started to rain and he felt the cold wet drops drip onto his face, but he faded away too fast to really notice that he was already soaking wet from the rain.
A deep, never heared before voice, silenty saturated his thoughts, his weary dreams. He couldn't understand even one of the spoken words, but it seemed to be italian to him. Aramis tried to say something, he didn't even know what - maybe a thankyou, maybe a plea for help or even death - but nothing more than a mumble left his numb lips.
Aramis loved getting tasks to fullfill from Corrado, it meant that he could lend his family a helping hand and pay off for his place between them. Of course he knew that nobody would ever force him to do so, but still he wanted to and took every chance offered. This was the main reason he never even asked a question when Corrado - more father to him than his biological father could ever be and had ever been . asked to see him this morning. The young briton was asked to pick up the daughter of Corrados new associate, an easy job and by far nothing illegal. Actually he was happy and thankful for this opportunity to get in his car and drive around for a while. Not that he hadn't planned to drive around anyway, but it was nice to have an official reason to do so. Corrado never sair anything against Aramis' spent time on the Impala, but Aramis was not stupid enough to believe that he didn't care at all.
He took his sweet time to clean and polish his car and even the smallest part of it until it was throughly flaw- and spotless, but overall forgot the time over it. When he got into the Impala, he silently cursed and started the motor. Already he could see the looks on Vitos face if he found out that Aramis' love and passion for the car caused him to run late and he wanted to keep the problems with his brother as low as possible. He loved him from the deepest of his heart, but they did have their differences.
When he arrived at his destination he was still way too late, but not as much as he would have been if he hadn't speeded almost all of the way. He sighed, combed his hair back with his fingers and set the gearshift to neutral before he opened the drivers door and got out. Only a few minutes after he did so, the door already opened and a blonde young woman, propably not much younger than himself, stepped outside, closing the door behind her and moving towards him. Courteously and with the most serious look on his face he could accomplish he opened her the passenger door and waited until she got in before he softly closed it and went around the front of his car, got back in himself. He started the engine and shifted gear, waited for a car to pass and pulled out, looked at his passenger from the corners of his eyes for a moment as she almost snapped at him for running late.
"I'm very sorry for that Misses O'Donnell", the young man said honestly, adding: "I hadn't expected this much traffic on my way and for this my timeplan was a different one. I'll give my very best to get you to your appointment as fast as I can."
Christ, he didn't care for what she thought at all - but he wanted to leave some halfway good impression. If Corrado and Vito heared that Aramis was too late AND unfriendly, he would be in a freaking lot of trouble. Nothing he wanted to provoke by any means.



29, Weiblich

  10. Wannabe Poet

Beiträge: 294

Re: Wo sind die Autoliebhaber? <3

von WaywardWinchester am 27.01.2020 21:07

@Tauron: Das Auto musste ich tatsächlich erstmal in Google suchen weil ich das bisher noch gar nicht kannte, aber die sehen aus als würden sie einen Heidenspaß machen auf der Straße und Offroad
Aber ärgerlich dass er dir solche Probleme bereitet hat, das klingt ein wenig nach meinem Mini. Der zerschießt auch dauernd was Neues wenn man gerade eben erst was Anderes dran gerichtet hat... sehr nervtötend sowas. Aber, ich werde mir dein Urteil mal notieren falls wir je ein solches Auto kaufen wollen - man weiß ja nie wann solche Erfahrungsberichte mal wichtig werden

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